Video of Donald Trump in Southlake praising his spiritual advisor and confessed child molester Robert Morris in June 2020 has aged like fine wine
Posted by mgbgtv8@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 148 comments
Piece of s**t
They all hang out together.
Probably on some guys island.
Trump and Epstein are effectively the two long front arms of the venomous spider that is the Russian mob.
Capturing the prey out front and sending it back to the rest of the arms to wrap and eat later.
Katie Johnson’s full testimony in 2016:
Epsteins victims testimonies:
Money laundering for the Russia oligarchs is the common denominator between trump and epstein
•Epstein was fired (quietly) from Bear Stearns for money laundering that made the bank look bad enough that they didn’t want it to bleed onto them in public
•In 1982 Epstein went from Bear Stearns to J. Epstein and Company which was founded for exclusively $1B+ clients but no one could ever say who they were. Probably because they were Russian oligarchs who were in the process of stealing $1.4T worth of perestroika money from Russian grandmas with a stopover in Israel on the way to Brighton Beach.
•Epstein learned and understood the neurosis of “poor little rich kids” because he taught them all at Dalton. He knew more about the dysfunctional families of Wall Street than their therapists did.
•Epstein was “bounty hunting” (his words) money lost to fraud because he knew the fraud networks so well because he worked for/with them. It was easy money double billing.
•1989 Epstein becomes friends with Wexner who is effectively the head of the Zionist mob who would unexplainably sign over power of attorney for his entire fortune to Epstein in 91.
•1991 Kolomoiksiy starts Privatbank in Ukraine to cater to the same oligarchs needing to move money from the former Soviet Union to Cyprus
•Towers financial was a debt collection company cover for a Ponzi scheme. Epstein was hired as a consultant
•Hoffenberg (towers principal) says it was all Epstein doing the Ponzi scheme
•UK’s Prince Andrew’s parties were all young (bizarrely dressed) Russian models
This was a couple years before the Russian model Ruslana Korshunova’s death. She was taken to Epsteins island.
She and her Ukrainian best friend Anastasia Droznova began putting the pieces together as to why the Russian oligarchs that preyed on them were so interested and invested in Ukraine.
•MC2 (pronounced MC squared) was the modeling agency that Epstein, Brunel, and the mob would use to get trafficked girls into the US with “genius visas”
•Epstein would promise girls a modeling contract to have sex with people in his network including Wexner. Wexner was reportedly gay which created a need for young male models. Abercrombie and Fitch was part of L brands which was used as Wexners quiet personal feeding grounds for “white hot male models”
•Leon black, trump, Weinstein etc were all Epsteins Kompromat clients because that’s what the Russians needed for the perestroika 2.0 commercial real estate edition play they are executing now.
•Epstein had a stuffed black poodle on his piano and wanted people to think about what it means to stuff a dog. (His words)
•Most of his “friends” were physicists according to the Farmer sisters interviews which explains why they named the modeling agency MC squared. It was an inside Einstein joke about getting the genius visas for models. (Same methodology used by trump for his soviet bloc wives and deripaska for his girlfriend)
•Kenneth Starr and Alan Dershowitz were both on Epsteins legal “dream team”
•Epstein bragged that he owned the palm beach PD
•John mark Dougan is the palm beach cop that escaped to Russia with 700 of Epsteins Kompromat rapes AFTER they were entered as evidence
•Dougan now runs election interference A.I. for russia
•The plea deal Acosta gave Epstein ensured blanket immunity to any and all potential FUTURE named co-conspirators. (Very weird. Highly illegal)
•Epstein paid the salaries of the deputies guarding him while he was on work release.
•Alexander Acosta was told he would be attorney general but had to settle for secretary of labor under trump after public uproar.
•His replacement has Russian ties as well:
•Bill Barr got Trumps A.G. position instead.
•Bill Barr and Epstein attended interlochen together as teenagers and bills dad Don Barr mentored Epstein and got him his first job teaching at Dalton school despite the fact that Epstein had no degree.
•interlochen is just south of north fox island Michigan where a generational precursor to Epsteins abuse pattern began
Epstein went back to the location of his abuse to find new victims. (Generational sexual trauma)
Barr visited Epstein in jail 2 days before his death and told him he couldn’t save him again
Tartaglione is the ex NYPD gorilla that shared a cell with Epstein who is serving life for a quadruple murder
Bro get a life holy talk about falling victim to everything in life
I’m nobody’s victim friend.
I’m just getting ready for hunting season.
Since Democrats only accuse republicans of what they’re doing, I’m now convinced the democrats are molesting children
You think only democrats are accusing these people of this? You think the only reason is because he's a republican? Your response to the information above is weak.
I think Democrats have a tremendous record of accusing their opposition of exactly what they are doing. Hence my conclusion above.
It truly is the only thing that makes sense.
Yeah ok but do you have any evidence? /s
so not a drag queen?
He is quite proudly a magnet for the absolute worst human beings in the country. This is the status quo now.
Two wonderful men, the best. /s
Not this sub too...sigh
TDS is real. It’s. All. They. Think. About.
i know & if anything was posted remotely derogatory about democrats, they remove it. Having to sensor the way they do tells you everything lol
Reddit is an open platform, you're free to start a new sub with your own rules.
I think /r/dallas_pedophiles is available. Not sure about /r/christians_for_breaking_the_10_commandments
This notion that anyone that disagrees with you is a p**ophile is just so...(as you have been instructed to say)...weird.
So you’re not denying it?
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Total Dissolved Solids?
??? It's relevant to Dallas why shouldn't it be here? If you're a Trump supporter experts agree associations/3rd party attacks have 0 effect they only reinforce existing perceptions, even when it's a pastor, see Obama's pastor as a recent example.
An old video from 4 years ago, that happened in Southlake, not Dallas, and is bashing Trump like very other sub on this site? Then you try and justify it it? Does no one see the problem here?
Ok, 4 years ago isn't that long ago so don't defend it like it happened in the 70s. Also, Southlake is right in the middle of the DFW metroplex, so yeah, it's Dallas related.
Happened his his previous term in office, but I'll give you that, it didn't happen that long ago. Also there is the r/SouthlakeTexas sub.
yeah thats how reddit is, I posted a article of a two guys being arrested for stabbing and throwing a guy out to die on belt line and they removed it bc he was illegal.
I went back through a year of your history, posts and comments. You've only made two posts to /r/Dallas, one about seeking a vet for your dog and the other about a hit and run late last year. There are no removed posts, and the only comment removed was for incivility.
Prove it.
you want me to prove they removed my post? how do i prove that, the post was removed, lmao..Feel free to post anything that mentions a illegal alien and see for yourself. You people crack me up…someone could be like You shouldn’t eat dog sh** and your response is always “prove it” lmao
So you have no evidence to support your statement?
sure tell me how one proves a post was removed
You made a claim, you furnish the evidence.
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Nah, these two are weird, not to mention sex offenders.
That's not the point, but keep regurgitating old talking points.
Weird knows weird.
Love those buzz words. Keep spewing their rhetoric, makes you look like the sheep you are.
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I like how you cannot have a civilized conversation and have to resort to name calling.
Are you working towards the Leader?
Name calling? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You literally just called me weird then say I'm resorting to name calling because I called you a sheep? 😂
Weird knows weird was about Trump and Epstein, not you.
Don't be so self-centered and think that everything revolves around you. Be civilized and polite instead.
Well then I apologize for the misunderstanding.
No need to apologize, I was not insulted but I appreciate your contrition.
you can post whatever you want doesn’t bother me. But If this was posted about the other side it would be removed instantly, makes you wonder why
Yea I’m sure he knew that while he was running for president cause people really like that 🙄
You are judged by the company you keep 💯
weird #pedo Trump and his cohorts.
In 2020 people were still fooled by these guys. Now if he was praising them today, that’s another story. If guilt is by association there’s a lot of people got some splaining to do
Right up his alley.
Russian bot posted this
Not likely, Trump is one of Putin's favorite cockholsters.
Birds of a feather flock together.
everyone I don’t like is a pedophile!
No, we are talking about this specific sex offender and his friend, a frequent flier on the Epstein Express.
You mean clinton, because Trump was never on the leader Express but Clinton wasn't 26 separate times and actually went to the island by himself without escort six times. You're going to hate the man at least do it honestly this accusation is bullshit. There's no evidence record or file that the man was ever in or on the island. Truth hurts
Your defense of weirdos is weird.
Oh wait when they were partying back in the '80s? You know before all that shit happened? And didn't Trump ban the guy from all of his properties when he was creeping on underage women and wasn't Trump one of the only main people to really help authorities when it comes to Epstein's first trial? Oh yes he was but then again NBC News is highly biased when they report on Trump and have perpetuated hoaxes and blatant falsehoods on everything from including the whole very fine people hoax, Russian collusion hoax, Steele dossier hoax and ad nauseam.
Just to go to you go to parties and see each other on at social events doesn't mean you're with that person, I mean Maxwell was actually at Clinton's daughter's wedding. But yeah sure
I guess pedophilia is OK to you as long as it's your side that's banging those kids.
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No one cares about Clinton except you losers.
Well the clintons still hold a lot of political power, and you don't care because it makes your side looking incredibly bad. The clintons still influence the party. And let's not get it twisted honey you would be eating her shit and calling it candy if Hillary announced instead of Kamala
Your cult leader is a rapist and felon.
(Admin deleted this because they think it's in civil Behavior yet I'm basically informing the person who falsely accused somebody of rape and being a felon. Yes I was not delicate in my language but the truth apparently offends the moderators so here's it slightly reworded for the faint of heart)
You know kangaroo courts and Sham trials don't count. The felonies aren't felonies they were upgraded misdemeanors because of literally no crime, and you know what's really funny? Supreme Court says Nah. So those felonies are gone. And the whole rapist thing, the accuser e Gene Carroll literally lied in court provably so, the dress she said she had on was not made until a couple years after the alleged event that she couldn't prove that Trump was even in the building and it was decided by summary judgment. So not even approved rapist. So all you got is a kangaroo court created test to siphon money off the guy and destroy his name because of the one of the most corrupted Court districts in the country.
Rapist and felon.
Once again, not a rapist it wasn't proven and his accuser lied probably. But since we're on the subjects of accusations and summary judgments, I can accuse you of being a pedophile which in your book makes it true. And false felonies now dismissed by the Supreme Court does not make him a felon, it makes him exonerated. So just like the rest of your premises everything is is fake on your end
Rapist and felon.
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“Your side” what side? Why do we have to be democrats to criticize Trump?
Well probably because Democrats literally are obsessed with Trump. Fucking obsessed with him I mean if you're going to hate the guy at least do it honestly I mean he is worthy of a lot of criticism it's just a false bullshit criticism that annoys me.
Well, I hate all the political warring right now. I think most of us are complaining about politics when we really just need to take care of ourselves better.
Totally agree with you but when they push politics in every aspect of Our Lives, and I mean every aspect I can't even play a fucking video game without politics mucking about with it. But when the prospects of finding yourself in prison because you didn't use somebody's made up pronouns is on the horizon you kind of want to get involved.
I promise you, as a lawyer, a law putting people in prison for misusing pronouns would directly contradict the First Amendment, so I’m pretty confident it would get struck down. You don’t need to worry. I hear you about seeing politics everywhere, but there are good games where you won’t, too (College Football 2025 for example).
Yeah I'm not a football video game player. And you and I both know that the constitution has not stopped people from going to jail, just looked at gun regulations, Constitution's pretty fucking clear on that issue and yet people still get put in the clink. And then there's the whole packing the courts, in the Constitution was actually pretty fucking clear about lockdowns too, but yet that didn't stop the government for shutting down churches and saying that protesting against lockdowns was not okay but black lives matter was a matter of Health, come on man. The Constitution is only as a powerful as those who are willing to enforce it. And as a lawyer you should know that
There actually were court rulings stopping churches from being shut down during COVID. And our current Supreme Court is very anti gun regulation, so they’ve peeled back a ton of gun regs, starting with New York.
I promise there are a lot more people in the fed courts that agree with you than you may think! Of course, I see that bc I live in Texas, so I know New York and California judges are diff.
But here's the thing it doesn't stop States from overstepping their powers, you have to go years later for those powers to be stopped just like in the covid things cuz they weren't stopped immediately, and when they were stuff they just wrote a new law and rephrase everything. And yes New York New Jersey California Illinois judges are going to be off the fucking wall because they believe in power not civil rights.
Guess I won’t vote for Bill Clinton.
Glad we got that all cleared up!
I suspect most of the people you MAGAs like are pedophiles, molesters and sexual assaulters. People like Donald Trump and this preacher for instance.
Except Democrats are actually known for being a lot more lenient on pedophiles and criminals. Kind of like Kamala Harris when she helped pass laws that made it easier to own child porn in California, reduced felonies into misdemeanors and sentencing. And then there's Joe Biden who's this kids and his daughter's diary pointing out that the guy sexualized her and his own son calling him pedo Pete. I'm sorry man but most of your shit is projection. But you guys still keep Clinton's on the line even after Clinton went to the island 26 separate times six of those by himself and undescorted. But you guys don't want to talk about that now do you
Joe Biden. Is. Not. Running. For. President.
Yes the hawk tuwa Harris is, and her multiple failures like the border saying and her rampant idiocy throughout the administration, her cover up of Biden's dementia, I mean who's really calling the shots? Do you even know? Because we know Biden's brain don't work. Joe Biden is not running the country. So who is? God you people are stupid
And here you are, telling us how we are stupid, lmfao...
Prove me wrong, Willie Brown and Montel Williams and many different other people have upheld that. But you know you don't want to talk about that shit
Y'all's obsession with pedophilia is really fuckin' weird given the facts:
there are no facts big dog just projection. the vague conspiracy shit is great for internet fights tho I’ll give you that
Are you contesting the fact that Trump was a friend with Epstein? Or that he flew on Epstein's plane? Or that he's on video playing around with that known pedo and rapist?
No, moreso that those things don’t prove anything
And I guess it's OK that Trump was motorboating a drag queen too?
That's pretty impressive considering she was never part of the California legislature. Do you know how government works?
On Bidon, link or slink buddy.
Trump lost his sex assault case, that’s just a fact Jack.
Trump hanging with pedo’s like Epstein? That’s a fact Jack.
Trump seeking endorsements from a pedo like Morris? Thats a fact Jack.
Everything I said is a fact, all you have is accusations and hearsay.
I like how you called me MAGA, that’s cute— touch some grass buddy
You mean like Biden and paris? A woman who was responsible for California's laws being very lenient on possession of child porn and Biden diddling kids especially his own
Birds of a shit feather
Shit winds are coming Randy
Already here. No one notices though. Who has the nuke football right now? Can we even get Joe awake at this hour?
Lotta TDS in these comments lol
There are no heroes coming to save you. Be the hero, and save yourself.
mgbgtv8@reddit (OP)
You're not wrong.
But you all love Bill Clinton
Nope lol
Tried to impeach Clinton for lying.
Praise Trump for being a pedophile, felon, adjudicated rapist, adjudicated fraudster.
Pretty weird.
We ain't voting for him unlike y'all voting for Trump.
Great people with great reputation. Must be talking about the pedophile circles he runs in.
Seriously this is just a joke. I guess criminals are fully accepted by MAGA folks.
Yup, the party of ACAB and “count every vote - protect democracy” forced to have Harris as their nominee while the party of “justice for all” nominates a convicted felon with a super shady during his time as a democrat.
The irony of the duopoly keeps multiplying. Almost like the “two” parties are testing what they can get away with.
Of course it’s southlake
Hard to find time to molest kids between the klan rallies.
They ignore this but would go ape shit if a democrat was the one admitting to pedophilia.
if it was a article influencing children to be destroyed with mental illness & sex changes. Theyd be cheering them on. You just have to let these people live in their delusion. Unfortunately reddit removes anything derogatory about the left but post DT in a Dallas sub & look at them … Tells you everything you need to know
Melted brain
It’s the worms
I think it’s the gay frogs.
I like to imagine this is a good representation of Alex Jones' headspace ever since his bankruptcy stuff began. I know it's unlikely, but a man can dream
Every commenter here should really examine their OWN lives.
What sin of iniquity does this subred engage in?
Well damn, Trump seal of approval. Can’t beat that.
Inst Southlake in Fort Worth?
Geee I’m so surprised…
Of course he'd kneel for Trump. In 2020, he made a website and told his congregation that it was their duty as Christians to vote for Trump.
Cope harder Op
I'm sure if Epstein was there, he would have praised him too
Its a big club, and they not like us.
They not like us.
Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A-Minor.
Certified president, Certified pedophile
Wop wop wop wop wop
The pastor blamed the 12 year old for throwing herself at him 🤷🏻
Diaper Donnie sure knows a lot of child molesters.
I feel like all his other friends need to be investigated. That Musk fellow seems pretty shady
Aged like fine milk, more like.
The only question I have is how many of the people in that stage were clients of Epstein?
There is one customer (per unsealed court documents)and one potential customer (per his admissions). Who is the 3rd guy?
Priest, pedos, and a weird traitor.
But they're still tax exempt for some reason.
Of course it’s southlake
Gateway got in BIIIG trouble for doing that- had to fire dozens of employees
Why do you think Trump chose him?
Game recognize game
FYI this was at the Dallas location of Gateway, but either way the pastor is a piece of shit and attendance in Southlake is waay down.
It would be cool if that campus got shuttered and got turned into a live event venue.
Or homeless shelter.
He only hangs out with and hires the best people, who keep getting arrested or come out and say what a horrible person he is.
They probably pass around the same kids