This is really stupid and really, really long…but I just need a crying shoulder from people my age

Posted by adrianhalo@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 108 comments

I’m so embarrassed to be upset/pissed by this…for context, I have AuDHD, the Au part being self-diagnosed and recent and totally not ausome at all. Ha. I’m also trans, so that’s basically a third reason for people to shit all over me and downvote me to hell lmao. Anyway.

I’m having a hell of a time in my life lately. I’m 42 and I’ve been really struggling with aging and feeling like all of a sudden it’s too late for me to be successful with a career or find a partner when I decide I might want that again (had some bad experiences) and I’m sad and angry at how I lived for so long, and began aging as, the gender I am not-I didn’t transition until 34 and it was a major setback for me. It hasn’t been easy at all. I’ve very rarely felt euphoria about it. It’s mostly just been socially awkward and expensive. I mostly still don’t actually care about my gender, I just happen to run better on testosterone than estrogen.

I’m burned out on my job, I’ve been feeling way “behind” people my age yet I hardly have any younger friends (and it’s starting to suck to have older friends because they’re depressing and sound like grumpy old boomers), and I just don’t feel like I have…support, community I guess.

I feel like I’m out of sync with my interests and priorities compared to my peers, and like I’ve had so many false starts with life, careers and relationships and all that.

One of the things I used to be really into was DIY piercings back in the late 90s/early 00s days. To the point where I could’ve probably apprenticed at a shop and become a piercer. So recently, I redid a couple of ear piercings. And I was delighted to find a Reddit sub dedicated entirely to self-piercings.

So after a shitty day at work, I thought, “well cool, I can at least nerd out over this thing that used to be a pretty big part of my identity that I am proud to know so much about, and maybe meet some cool people online.” How naive of me. So I post my ears and a couple of paragraphs (sorry) excitedly rattling off all the piercings I used to have and the ones I liked most, and offering to share my knowledge since I have been putting holes in my face for 30 years.

And immediately, I’m downvoted to zero and someone posts “use a bar! Hoops are gonna irritate them!”

I’ve gotten a staggering amount of ear piercings over the years…and every single time, every shop, they’ve used a captive bead ring. So I was like, uh….?

So I thought, fuck it I’ll message the mod. It’s bullshit than got downvoted for nothing. It’s just stupid and discouraging to have that be the first comment I get. It makes me not want to post there. Which happens a lot. I have deleted so many posts off Reddit out of being embarrassed and downvoted and reamed in the comments later.

The mod was a total fuckhead about it and muted me from messaging them for 28 days. Meanwhile the sub rules are like “Be KiNd” and it’s like, oh ok. :rolleyes:

I am a grown ass man and absolutely shouldn’t care. I realize this.

But in the context of the rest of my life sucking so much right now, it just really pissed me off and made me feel like shit.. I can’t even remember the last time somebody said “you know what? You’re right, you have a point. I’m sorry.”

It just kinda reinforced this feeling that I’ve aged into this fucking weird stupid dude who everyone thinks is incompetent at everything, who no one listens to, whose opinions, experiences, and feelings don’t matter.

Like, people are just fucking MEAN to me, and yet when I try to dish it back, I’m the one who’s out of line. I feel like whether online or IRL, every fucking thing I say gets criticized by others or misinterpreted, and I’m sick of it.

I am so so sick of people being horrible and shitty to me online especially, when I am a writer and I need this, because I don’t like talking in public anymore. And I am so so sick of people hiding behind the “well the internet is mean, get over it.”

Sure, it used to be…but then what’s with the whole culture of imposing all these rules about being kind and so on? Like, talk the talk…you know?

Anyway. I just feel like shit about everything. Socially I feel like there is no place for me and it’s exhausting and lonely. My job is making me feel sick and really short-fused because I’m so burned out by it and they denied my request to WFH 2-3 days a week.

I’m starting to really get hung up on, what happens to neuro-spicy people as they age and they lose their parents, who were perhaps still helping them financially? Like, fuck…if I don’t pull it together in ten years or so, I’m probably gonna be homeless.

Things have just gotten worse for me…while everyone else my age has left me in the fucking dust to be successful and to like, grow up. I feel so cheated that I wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD until I turned 40. My life could’ve been so much better if I had gotten help sooner.

And now it just seems like it’s too late.

What does this have to do with internet etiquette on some snobby holier than thou Reddit sub? Nothing per se, it’s just another instance of feeling like I don’t even belong in the spaces that used to be community for me. It’s just another instance of wishing people could be nicer to me.

It just sucks. The world just sucks now, and I hate being the age that I am and feeling like it’ll only all get worse and like I don’t matter and will never do anything valuable with my life. Like everything I’ve tried to do is just too little too late, and it’s just made me into this bitter, short-fused adult. And Now That I’m A Man (sort of. I’m pretty genderqueer about it, it’s just easier to say “trans man”) I have to just crush all my feelings down even more, and be alone. I just feel like a fucking loser, like what happened to me?

What do you do if you haven’t “made it” by your 40s…just stop fucking trying? I just feel like nothing I do or say or believe, will ever matter or have any sort of positive impact on anybody. If life is just one long thankless game of constantly defending and explaining myself, what’s the goddamn point?

I’m not depressed, I just feel depressed because of my situation. I can’t find or afford a therapist and it feels like there’s no way out of this phase in my life. Like I’m just gonna keep falling further through the cracks until I get REALLY old, and THEN what?

This is not how I usually view the world. It’s just been a really bad few years. And I just feel kinda lost.