Is Linux required to do learning? Advice for a noob.

Posted by DontFlameItsMe@reddit | learnprogramming | View on Reddit | 185 comments

I started learning programming.
An acquaintance of mine who is a software engineer told me to learn python. So I learned the syntax, made a few simple projects which don't contain more than a 100 lines of code - simple games or playlist downloaders using pre-written modules.

Then I realized that "learn python" is a really vague statement. And that it's not possible to learn if you don't even know what it is that you're supposed to be learning.

So I went searching for some guiderails and found the most basic ones - frontend free courses. Did some HTML and CSS stuff. I found the Thor Project and App Academy to be the most efficient ones, unlike, say, the freeCodeCamp.
Well, both of them require you to install Linux or do some inexplicable stuff with virtual machines. And I haven't even reinstalled my Windows in who knows how many years, it's such a bothersome task.

I've seen people say that Linux will be good to learn and install anyway, but I do not seek to be some outstanding dev. I'm just looking for a skill that will pay the bills, and my bills are small.

So I wonder if it is some hard requirement for any programming job to be familiar with the ways of Linux?