4chan is old enough to drink at this point. People that were in their teens posting there are going to be late 30s, 40s, even 50s
And despite what anyone says 4chan was always shit but it became dog shit sometimes after 2012. Now it’s just coomers and brainlets conspiracy theory cucks
Man, it's been a while since I've been on /pol/, last time I was there I found a thread saying that Christianity was a Jewish psy-op designed to keep the pagan whites submissive and obedient to Abrahamic interests. I'm pretty sure /pol/'s where the cringe white nationalist paganism started too
Regardless of whether it was shoving bees in dicks, or dicks in Catacomb skulls, or dicks in attractive corpses awaiting embalming at homes, or cutting off dicks and flipping them inside out, or a guy getting impaled on horsedick, or grilling his own dick and eating it, there was always a dick in the webm. And if there wasn't it was a guy shoving jars up his ass.
I miss that era so much. Internet hasn't been the same, this touchy feely hugbox stuff that the Web has turned into really makes me ill. Nobody is anymore empathetic, they are just stroking their e-peens off that much harder with virtue signal lube.
Also, what is anon on about 4chan being religious? I remember when /pol/ was VEHEMENTLY atheistic.
4chan is only ever contrarian. Originally it was atheistic because society was religious in the US. Now that society is atheistic 4chan is becoming religious.
Saw a post I enjoyed on /pol/ recently, in a thread on people who have 'grown up' on 4chan. It read "I go to /tg/ to talk about my interests. I come to /pol/ because I hate jews. I've stayed on 4chan because I'm a retard."
Thank god someone has some common fucking sense. Plus the "commercialization" of the site being featured/mentioned in everything from the news/cosmopolitan(yep they cite it as a source for great porn)/TV Shows/Movies, nevermind the internet itself and the people who talk about it. So the original ancientfags coupled with 2 decades and all that shit above is going to bring in people of all kinds. Some of which stick around. Plus OP is a 3 year tourist.
I blame reddit and YouTube. They always post the good stories so attracted cringe people to the site. Also youtube huge plagiarism problem.. so many creators literally just steal anon posts from the site and don't even acknowledge they got it from 4chan. I get it's impossible to give credit when they are anons but atleast admit it's from the site.
People who otherwise hate 4chan shouldn't be pretending they are actually funny or intelligent by copying everything and replacing the Ns and Fs.
I ain't really that ancient either, I've only been using 4chan for 8 years max, and reddit for 4. I only used 4chan cus the 2016 election was happening and I got attracted to /pol/. (Biggest mistake of my life.)
If only you knew who I was lol. Anyways in 2 generations some if not most if not all vaccinated descendents will be unable to reproduce. I'm vaccinated too lmao so I'm fucked like everyone else.
that's interesting because there are zero vaccine molecules still left in your body and the vaccine can't enter the nucleus which means it can't change DNA. It left zero traceable effect on you except for the antibodies in your memory B-cells which contains traces of every disease or vaccine you've ever gotten so you're able to fight diseases you've gotten in the past more effectively
Make mRNA coding for mutant versions of CYP19A1 and CDKN1B in smaller amounts. The former fucks with estrogen biosynthesis while the latter causes cancer.
Delivery system for S protein code ends up in liver, while the rest end up in gonads.
Make sure form quantity of additive upregulating LINE-1 reverse transcription activity makes it hard to detect among legit adjuvants.
Mutants genes are integrated, are reccesive, and incurr oncogenic effects in recipients.
Those genes are reccesive, but since most of the population is vaccinated, next gen female offsprings have high chances of premature ovarian failure.
Unreliable sources, but I'm inclined to believe them since they tried to suppress the fact that COVID-19 was a joint project in a Chinese-American lab in Wuhan and Nature took down related papers shortly after the pandemic. Plus it will take some time for post vaccine infertility cases could be observed and and even then any independent research about them will be promptly shut down, as they are now.
Make mRNA coding for mutant versions of CYP19A1 and CDKN1B in smaller amounts. The former fucks with estrogen biosynthesis while the latter causes cancer.
And you're already wildly off track. Firstly, the covid vaccine only has a little over 4000 nucleotides in its RNA sequence, which is the "code" that causes your cells to synthesize covid spike proteins so they can be attacked by your immune system. So since the sequence isn't really very long and is publicly available, it's easy to analyze the whole thing and understand the function of every part of it. There is no part of the sequence that would cause the mRNA to enter the nucleus and activate the process to synthesize DNA, cut it, and integrate it into the genome. There's simply not enough genetic information in the sequence to do such a thing. It's a simple process that synthesizes a very basic protein. Unless you think the entire global scientific community, every lab intern who helped work on the vaccine, every public health professional who did the risk-benefit analysis for vaccinating the population, multiple countries with competing interests, all came together to conspire against themselves to destroy the future of their own children. Then, I could see every institution around the world releasing the exact same fake data about what's really in the vaccine. Generally when I encounter people saying that I dismiss them as being idiots though, but you might be different
I want to preface this by saying that I'm not 100% on vaccines being malevolent, as I too am vaccinated because my work requires it. But I've grown suspicious as of late, with AstraZeneca blood clots and whatnot.
first paragraph
If it had gone unnoticed, I wouldn't be talking about it now would I? Plus I get my info from 2 (albeit unreliable) insiders working in Moderna, that speculate that Pzifer may also be doing the same thing. Believing that major scientific publications are either comprised or simply incompetent isn't that far fetched, as it has been proven time and time again that they are 1)biased 2)easily tricked into publishing falsehood. I want you to dwell on that a bit.
second paragraph
Yes. I do think that a large portion of the scientific community is compromised, but not all. I already said, I have seen the papers about covid19 being a man-made virus created in a Chinese-American lab in Wuhan. It was never explicitly stated that it was covid19, but that it was a Coronavirus that was specifically tested on bats. It was 5 years ago so I don't remember most of the research, but it has since been scrubbed off the web and even from Nature. Suspicious, no? I believe there are good enough reasons to not trust official sources on this, especially since those "countries with competing interests" didn't actually import Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, China and Iran come to mind in that regard. As to why they haven't exposed them, I have no idea. Could be anything from them having their own plots or them being uninterested in how western powers decide to go about decimating their population.
Btw I appreciate you not being the same as those stupid cattle that eat up anything without thought and refuse to be challenged about it. You having your own reasons and facts proves to me that you at least have looked into it. People like you make me regain faith in humanity, if only a sliver.
I want to preface this by saying that I'm not 100% on vaccines being malevolent, as I too am vaccinated because my work requires it. But I've grown suspicious as of late, with AstraZeneca blood clots and whatnot.
Astrazeneca blood clots were a real issue, not a conspiracy, and they caused it to get recalled. Blood clotting is a normal rare response to both the vaccine and the virus. Greater risk of blood clots by getting the virus usually, but that particular vaccine had an elevated amount of blood clots compared to the alternatives so it got discontinued since there were better alternatives
If it had gone unnoticed, I wouldn't be talking about it now would I? Plus I get my info from 2 (albeit unreliable) insiders working in Moderna, that speculate that Pzifer may also be doing the same thing. Believing that major scientific publications are either comprised or simply incompetent isn't that far fetched, as it has been proven time and time again that they are 1)biased 2)easily tricked into publishing falsehood. I want you to dwell on that a bit.
this is just schizo nonsense. Anyone who knows how to do PCR (a very basic bio lab procedure) can immediately tell what sequences of RNA are in the vaccine. Would an entire global depopulation conspiracy risk it all on something that thousands upon thousands of independent people can discover immediately? or do you think it's more likely that the vaccine contains exactly what it says? Just because you can't verify something doesn't mean it's not easy to verify. You shouldnt trust your "Moderna insiders" if they aren't even competent enough to realize that
Yes. I do think that a large portion of the scientific community is compromised, but not all. I already said, I have seen the papers about covid19 being a man-made virus created in a Chinese-American lab in Wuhan. It was never explicitly stated that it was covid19, but that it was a Coronavirus that was specifically tested on bats. It was 5 years ago so I don't remember most of the research, but it has since been scrubbed off the web and even from Nature. Suspicious, no? I believe there are good enough reasons to not trust official and mainstream sources on this, especially since those "countries with competing interests" didn't actually import Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, China and Iran come to mind in that regard. As to why they haven't exposed them, I have no idea. Could be anything from them having their own plots or them being uninterested in how western powers decide to go about decimating their population.
Covid could have originated from a leak in the Wuhan institute of virology, but probably wouldn't have originated from an intentional leak. Otherwise, it would've been transported somewhere else before being leaked so that it's origin would be harder to trace. It seems like China did try to hide the origin of covid so it's possible they know something we don't. Not really convincing evidence that it's part of some global depopulation agenda.
So if this is a global conspiracy and many countries which received the sputnik vaccine (Russia, Iran, etc.) simply choose not to expose the truth about American vaccines, then why did some countries receive both the Russian and Western vaccines? Seems like a poorly thought-out depopulation plan, no? it just doesn't make any sense. I've yet to see convincing evidence that the vaccine is anything more than what we've been told it is. It's funny, the real thing that's been memory-holed about all this is that conservatives supported the vaccine while liberals distrusted it before the 2020 election, then suddenly that got flipped on its head. Whoever happens to be president at the time doesn't really affect the effectiveness of vaccine research, so why did so many people flip on this issue? It's because most people are stupid and they evaluate issues based on which president is in power rather than on critical thought
Good luck man. These kinds of people give me the impression that a large majority of them were just really curious as to how horse paste tasted and were waiting for an excuse to finally try it.
I've basically just given up on these nutjobs and link the Bauch Paper to show how fucking stupid they look for believing dumb shit like this.
Whether or not there are residual molecules really is unimportant to the discussion. I've explained the procedure in detail in another post but basically there is a non zero chance that mRNA vaccines fucked with your DNA and added faulty genes.
Friendly fire, you're arguing with the other person, not me. I'm informing the vaxxer that they should not substitute hyperbole in place of a good argument.
I mean, you might have molecules in your body that were once part of a covid vaccine at some point in time. But in terms of RNA molecules or spike proteins, you pissed all of those out within a few weeks of taking the vaccine
/Pol/ has been a cesspool of bait threads since 2016. There's always a woman hate thread, religion hate thread, etc. Its only good if there's a major event "Happening."
This fucking dork was born the same year 4chan was launched. I fucking hate ppl like this so much, I wish 4chan stayed completely irrelevant so normiefag dorks would never ruin it.
Moot betrayed his great creation by selling it off.
going on 4chan looking to improve life and full of right wing young good looking men
What? The website and the redpill movement is literally degenerate and filled with incels who don’t want to improve. In what world
4chan is what 20 years old and alot of its users are old as well. No doubt 4chan and the memes that came out of it are impactful but because of its age and the users it has slowed down. It went from making memes and helping trump getting elected to incels bitching about not getting laid or /pol/ thinking everything is Jewish.
“.No king rules forever, my son” ~ Terenas Menethil II
/pol/ was always anti-them, it got hijacked by alt-right influencers who wanted to elect trump which in turn attracted a load of fucking braindead rednecks for a while. I don't go on that board but I hope it's recovering now.
Also /r9k/ was a board about being an incel before the term 'incel' was even coined, and /r9k/ only became a wizard/incel board a long time after its conception.
Memes were always on 4chan, so were wizards and antisemites, trump morons briefly came and went
That is not even slightly true. The first thing the Redpill teaches anybody is to get off your ass and go to the gym because nobody’s going to save you.
All the Gen Z would-be /pol/ users are on Twitter and TikTok. 4chan has always been a millennial thing (who're all now 30+) and a time capsule of the internet. Anon needs to get with the times.
Even more concerning is the number of third worlders shilling for Russia/Palestine/Islam. Although maybe it's also just contrarian American boomers, who knows.
Boomers are 60-78 years old. A 40 y/o is a Millennial
Zoomers and alpha think anyone over like 28 is a boomer
Ok boomer
I'm glad Zoomers are too small of a generation to ever actually matter and will just be skipped over like Gen X.
Boomers and zoomers are mindsets at this point
Zoomers and Alphas are regarded, Millennials are the chad alpha generation that could at least fucking differentiate between GenX and Boomers.
Please dont lump us zoomers in with this bundle of dicks. Zoomers may be rtarded but atleast we're not Argentinan.
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29-45 (give or take a year depending on the service defining it). If they’re in their 50s, they’re latchkey.
4chan is old enough to drink at this point. People that were in their teens posting there are going to be late 30s, 40s, even 50s
And despite what anyone says 4chan was always shit but it became dog shit sometimes after 2012. Now it’s just coomers and brainlets conspiracy theory cucks
Lol at 4chan being a reason someone is a Christian
Anon brought a boom stick, to a bar one night, and got annihilated, by a witch, with a broomstick
Man, it's been a while since I've been on /pol/, last time I was there I found a thread saying that Christianity was a Jewish psy-op designed to keep the pagan whites submissive and obedient to Abrahamic interests. I'm pretty sure /pol/'s where the cringe white nationalist paganism started too
Yeah, while worshiping a god who considers wealth and almost all the joys of life to be sin is not cringe at all
Nah, that shit goes back to the SS.
Himmler and Hitler loved their weird occult shit
It's not true but it's not the most bat shit conspiracy I've ever heard. It's a pretty straightforward connecting of dots.
We really do forget that 4chan is a 20 year old website. Those 20 year olds who first used the website are in their early 40's now.
Also, what is anon on about 4chan being religious? I remember when /pol/ was VEHEMENTLY atheistic.
I dunno about /pol/ specifically but I remember a common resentment about 'newf@gs' back in 2007-8
I remember when /b/ was good...
I can't believe I remember that stupid meme. Those braincells could be holding something useful, like a racial slur.
The sumerchild meme, it was just dumb
Fgsfds /b/ was never good
But was more than 100% porn like now
The only time that it wasnt 100% porn was when there was gore posted.
I was going to add when the bronies were out, but i guess that was all porn, too.
Regardless of whether it was shoving bees in dicks, or dicks in Catacomb skulls, or dicks in attractive corpses awaiting embalming at homes, or cutting off dicks and flipping them inside out, or a guy getting impaled on horsedick, or grilling his own dick and eating it, there was always a dick in the webm. And if there wasn't it was a guy shoving jars up his ass.
I miss that era so much. Internet hasn't been the same, this touchy feely hugbox stuff that the Web has turned into really makes me ill. Nobody is anymore empathetic, they are just stroking their e-peens off that much harder with virtue signal lube.
The correct response
Shitting dick nipples
Username checks out
the day after 4chan came into existence people already hated newfriends.
Shit, the day 4chan came into existence, people that weren't from SA were already newfriends and also hated.
4chan is only ever contrarian. Originally it was atheistic because society was religious in the US. Now that society is atheistic 4chan is becoming religious.
Lmao 4chinners are mostly r*worder who need to be contrarian.
When religion was more widespread they needed to be edgy atheists, now that atheism is on the rise they need to be edgy religion people.
that was also when unironic communists were still under the delusion that their voice mattered. good times, honestly.
Saw a post I enjoyed on /pol/ recently, in a thread on people who have 'grown up' on 4chan. It read "I go to /tg/ to talk about my interests. I come to /pol/ because I hate jews. I've stayed on 4chan because I'm a retard."
Beautiful stuff.
Thank god someone has some common fucking sense. Plus the "commercialization" of the site being featured/mentioned in everything from the news/cosmopolitan(yep they cite it as a source for great porn)/TV Shows/Movies, nevermind the internet itself and the people who talk about it. So the original ancientfags coupled with 2 decades and all that shit above is going to bring in people of all kinds. Some of which stick around. Plus OP is a 3 year tourist.
I blame reddit and YouTube. They always post the good stories so attracted cringe people to the site. Also youtube huge plagiarism problem.. so many creators literally just steal anon posts from the site and don't even acknowledge they got it from 4chan. I get it's impossible to give credit when they are anons but atleast admit it's from the site.
People who otherwise hate 4chan shouldn't be pretending they are actually funny or intelligent by copying everything and replacing the Ns and Fs.
OP is a summerfag of the absolute highest order. He is not fit to clean the smegma from my half-foreskin.
Bruh you ain't even fit enough to clean your foreskin.
I ain't really that ancient either, I've only been using 4chan for 8 years max, and reddit for 4. I only used 4chan cus the 2016 election was happening and I got attracted to /pol/. (Biggest mistake of my life.)
They're contrarian to their fucking core. Atheism is now the mainstream opinion on social media so ofc they want to oppose it.
Anon seems to think you get your Oldbie card after 2 years.
Everything he’s talking about was an extremely short lived period of time on 4chan, like seriously just when he started using it
No, "We" don't.
They got banned from facebook probably.
They questioned the vax and got permabanned.
People retarded enough to be antivax don't deserve rights tbh
If shitters didn't ban images I would crush your spirit here and now.
you would send an image while still not being able to comprehend basic cellular biology oh nooooo
If only you knew who I was lol. Anyways in 2 generations some if not most if not all vaccinated descendents will be unable to reproduce. I'm vaccinated too lmao so I'm fucked like everyone else.
that's interesting because there are zero vaccine molecules still left in your body and the vaccine can't enter the nucleus which means it can't change DNA. It left zero traceable effect on you except for the antibodies in your memory B-cells which contains traces of every disease or vaccine you've ever gotten so you're able to fight diseases you've gotten in the past more effectively
Here's how it works:
Unreliable sources, but I'm inclined to believe them since they tried to suppress the fact that COVID-19 was a joint project in a Chinese-American lab in Wuhan and Nature took down related papers shortly after the pandemic. Plus it will take some time for post vaccine infertility cases could be observed and and even then any independent research about them will be promptly shut down, as they are now.
yeah true
And you're already wildly off track. Firstly, the covid vaccine only has a little over 4000 nucleotides in its RNA sequence, which is the "code" that causes your cells to synthesize covid spike proteins so they can be attacked by your immune system. So since the sequence isn't really very long and is publicly available, it's easy to analyze the whole thing and understand the function of every part of it. There is no part of the sequence that would cause the mRNA to enter the nucleus and activate the process to synthesize DNA, cut it, and integrate it into the genome. There's simply not enough genetic information in the sequence to do such a thing. It's a simple process that synthesizes a very basic protein. Unless you think the entire global scientific community, every lab intern who helped work on the vaccine, every public health professional who did the risk-benefit analysis for vaccinating the population, multiple countries with competing interests, all came together to conspire against themselves to destroy the future of their own children. Then, I could see every institution around the world releasing the exact same fake data about what's really in the vaccine. Generally when I encounter people saying that I dismiss them as being idiots though, but you might be different
I want to preface this by saying that I'm not 100% on vaccines being malevolent, as I too am vaccinated because my work requires it. But I've grown suspicious as of late, with AstraZeneca blood clots and whatnot.
If it had gone unnoticed, I wouldn't be talking about it now would I? Plus I get my info from 2 (albeit unreliable) insiders working in Moderna, that speculate that Pzifer may also be doing the same thing. Believing that major scientific publications are either comprised or simply incompetent isn't that far fetched, as it has been proven time and time again that they are 1)biased 2)easily tricked into publishing falsehood. I want you to dwell on that a bit.
Yes. I do think that a large portion of the scientific community is compromised, but not all. I already said, I have seen the papers about covid19 being a man-made virus created in a Chinese-American lab in Wuhan. It was never explicitly stated that it was covid19, but that it was a Coronavirus that was specifically tested on bats. It was 5 years ago so I don't remember most of the research, but it has since been scrubbed off the web and even from Nature. Suspicious, no? I believe there are good enough reasons to not trust official sources on this, especially since those "countries with competing interests" didn't actually import Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, China and Iran come to mind in that regard. As to why they haven't exposed them, I have no idea. Could be anything from them having their own plots or them being uninterested in how western powers decide to go about decimating their population.
Btw I appreciate you not being the same as those stupid cattle that eat up anything without thought and refuse to be challenged about it. You having your own reasons and facts proves to me that you at least have looked into it. People like you make me regain faith in humanity, if only a sliver.
Astrazeneca blood clots were a real issue, not a conspiracy, and they caused it to get recalled. Blood clotting is a normal rare response to both the vaccine and the virus. Greater risk of blood clots by getting the virus usually, but that particular vaccine had an elevated amount of blood clots compared to the alternatives so it got discontinued since there were better alternatives
this is just schizo nonsense. Anyone who knows how to do PCR (a very basic bio lab procedure) can immediately tell what sequences of RNA are in the vaccine. Would an entire global depopulation conspiracy risk it all on something that thousands upon thousands of independent people can discover immediately? or do you think it's more likely that the vaccine contains exactly what it says? Just because you can't verify something doesn't mean it's not easy to verify. You shouldnt trust your "Moderna insiders" if they aren't even competent enough to realize that
Covid could have originated from a leak in the Wuhan institute of virology, but probably wouldn't have originated from an intentional leak. Otherwise, it would've been transported somewhere else before being leaked so that it's origin would be harder to trace. It seems like China did try to hide the origin of covid so it's possible they know something we don't. Not really convincing evidence that it's part of some global depopulation agenda.
So if this is a global conspiracy and many countries which received the sputnik vaccine (Russia, Iran, etc.) simply choose not to expose the truth about American vaccines, then why did some countries receive both the Russian and Western vaccines? Seems like a poorly thought-out depopulation plan, no? it just doesn't make any sense. I've yet to see convincing evidence that the vaccine is anything more than what we've been told it is. It's funny, the real thing that's been memory-holed about all this is that conservatives supported the vaccine while liberals distrusted it before the 2020 election, then suddenly that got flipped on its head. Whoever happens to be president at the time doesn't really affect the effectiveness of vaccine research, so why did so many people flip on this issue? It's because most people are stupid and they evaluate issues based on which president is in power rather than on critical thought
Good luck man. These kinds of people give me the impression that a large majority of them were just really curious as to how horse paste tasted and were waiting for an excuse to finally try it.
I've basically just given up on these nutjobs and link the Bauch Paper to show how fucking stupid they look for believing dumb shit like this.
I've got molecules in my body from the dirt in Rome two millennia ago, you lying if you think there are 'zero molecules' left of that vaccine.
Not that it matters but don't be a hyperbolic shitter.
Whether or not there are residual molecules really is unimportant to the discussion. I've explained the procedure in detail in another post but basically there is a non zero chance that mRNA vaccines fucked with your DNA and added faulty genes.
Friendly fire, you're arguing with the other person, not me. I'm informing the vaxxer that they should not substitute hyperbole in place of a good argument.
I mean, you might have molecules in your body that were once part of a covid vaccine at some point in time. But in terms of RNA molecules or spike proteins, you pissed all of those out within a few weeks of taking the vaccine
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Trump and Biden made a bunch of boomers look at the internet. I hope they both die a slow and painful death.
/Pol/ has been a cesspool of bait threads since 2016. There's always a woman hate thread, religion hate thread, etc. Its only good if there's a major event "Happening."
Or if the IDF falls asleep at the border and a bunch of kites drop people off at a music festival.
Then, oddly, the majority of the threads you’re describing go away.
Many such chases
Election tourists were a disaster for the site as a whole.
Why does time pass?
If you've been on Pol for 3 years you've most likely only ever interacted with bots/shills. The board died circa 2020.
? 4chan has never had more christians than now.
yeah it was filled with atheists now its been astroturfed by evangelists.
Clearly a newfangled
Its not even good bait
This fucking dork was born the same year 4chan was launched. I fucking hate ppl like this so much, I wish 4chan stayed completely irrelevant so normiefag dorks would never ruin it.
Moot betrayed his great creation by selling it off.
OP in pic sounds like a complete loser tbf
40s? 50s?
The term “Boomers” really has turned into “anyone older that I don’t like”.
Seeking Christ on 4chan?
anonymous website, its filled with people(usually), and flags were a mistake
What? The website and the redpill movement is literally degenerate and filled with incels who don’t want to improve. In what world
4chan is what 20 years old and alot of its users are old as well. No doubt 4chan and the memes that came out of it are impactful but because of its age and the users it has slowed down. It went from making memes and helping trump getting elected to incels bitching about not getting laid or /pol/ thinking everything is Jewish.
“.No king rules forever, my son” ~ Terenas Menethil II
/pol/ was always anti-them, it got hijacked by alt-right influencers who wanted to elect trump which in turn attracted a load of fucking braindead rednecks for a while. I don't go on that board but I hope it's recovering now. Also /r9k/ was a board about being an incel before the term 'incel' was even coined, and /r9k/ only became a wizard/incel board a long time after its conception.
Memes were always on 4chan, so were wizards and antisemites, trump morons briefly came and went
That is not even slightly true. The first thing the Redpill teaches anybody is to get off your ass and go to the gym because nobody’s going to save you.
Yeah because that’s the surface lvl it teaches you, which is fine but weird if you need someone to say that common knowledge to you.
But dig deeper it’s degenerate. Fuck 50 girls before you settle. Get rich with Nu-money to buy yachts and sleep around all day, etc cringe
The deeper you get with any philosophy the more schizo it gets
Oh absolutely, It’s degenerate no doubt about that. It’s a lot of things, but it’s definitely not for people who don’t want to self improve.
Absolutely IRRADIATING post
All the Gen Z would-be /pol/ users are on Twitter and TikTok. 4chan has always been a millennial thing (who're all now 30+) and a time capsule of the internet. Anon needs to get with the times.
Fucking castrate him already
Pol was never good
4chan changed quite a bit when Trump was running for president, this guy started using after Trump had already stopped being president
We're reaching levels of cancer that shouldn't be possible
The level where OP become the cancerous it self
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Even more concerning is the number of third worlders shilling for Russia/Palestine/Islam. Although maybe it's also just contrarian American boomers, who knows.
Imagine thinking it’s other people shilling for Palestine and not the whole world upset Americans won’t stop gargling Israeli balls
Its election season
>Newf making a state of /pol/ post
Zoomers are boomers
These "boomers" (sic!) are OG anons.
4chan is full of glowies and if you dont kmow what that is, you havent lurked enough.
50 is gen x…
Remember when 4chan was full of young people trying to self improve?
Me neither
If this isn't fake it is most certainly gay
Ayo what? is he talking about 2016 /pol/ because iirc /pol/ was always athiest 4chan in general was
The FBI doesn’t hire a lot of 20 year olds