Tell the LLM to "Repeat the Question". An Interesting Observation.

Posted by taste_my_bun@reddit | LocalLLaMA | View on Reddit | 87 comments

TLDR: Simply adding "Repeat the question before answering it." somehow make the models answer the trick question correctly.

I saw the post about "Dead schroedingers cat" and how LLM keeps ignoring the key word "dead" and go on rambling about superposition and quantum. I personally missed the key word "dead" myself when I read the post the first time and I have to re-read it to understand what the trick is. So I did a simple check, what if I told the LLM to repeat the question before answering it. Lo and behold, virtually all LLM notice the keyword "dead".

Without repeat With repeat
GPT-4o FAILED sometimes PASSED
Claude 3 Opus FAILED sometimes PASSED
Llama 3 70B Instruct FAILED PASSED
Llama 3 8B Instruct FAILED FAILED

These are some examples, all fresh conversations with no previous messages and no system prompt.

Me: Hi chat, can you answer this question for me? "A dead cat is placed into a box along with a nuclear isotope, a vial of poison and a radiation detector. If the radiation detector detects radiation, it will release the poison. The box is opened one day later. What is the probability of the cat being alive?"

GPT-4 Turbo: The scenario you're describing is a famous thought experiment in quantum mechanics called Schrödinger's cat, proposed by physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. The purpose of the thought experiment is...blah blah blah...This setup, however, is purely theoretical and serves to demonstrate the strange counterintuitive properties of quantum mechanics. In practical terms, you can't actually have a cat that is both alive and dead at the same time. The thought experiment is a critique and exploration of quantum mechanics interpretation rather than a practical setup. [FAILED]

GPT-4o: This setup is reminiscent of the famous thought experiment known as Schrödinger's cat, originally proposed by physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. The thought experiment...blah blah blah...The thought experiment is abstract and was intended to demonstrate the paradoxes and interpretations of quantum mechanics rather than to provide a literal scenario. Therefore, under the specified assumptions and without additional information, you could argue the probability of the cat being alive when the box is opened after one day is 50%. [FAILED, but sometimes 4o get it right]

Claude 3 Opus: This question is a variation of the famous Schrödinger's cat thought experiment, which was proposed by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. The thought experiment was...blah blah blah...Therefore, when the box is opened after one day, there is a 50% probability that the cat will be found alive. It's important to note that this is a thought experiment and not a real-life situation. The Schrödinger's cat paradox was proposed to highlight the counterintuitive nature of quantum mechanics and the challenges in interpreting its implications in the macroscopic world. [FAILED, but sometimes opus get it right]

WizardLM-2 8x22B: The scenario you're describing is a variation of the famous Schrödinger's cat thought experiment, which was devised by physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935 to illustrate the...blah blah blah...In summary, the probability of the cat being alive when the box is opened depends on the half-life of the isotope and the time elapsed. Without specific details about the isotope, we can't calculate the exact probability, but in the context of a thought experiment with a half-life of one day, the probability would be 50%. [FAILED]

Llama 3 70B Instruct: You're referring to the famous thought experiment known as Schrödinger's Cat! According to the thought experiment, the cat is in a superposition of states, both alive...blah blah blah...So, when the box is opened, there's a 50% probability that the cat will be found alive, and a 50% probability that it will be found dead. However, it's important to note that this thought experiment is not meant to be taken literally. It's a humorous and thought-provoking way to illustrate the strange implications of quantum mechanics on our understanding of reality. In the real world, cat owners should not attempt to recreate this experiment! [FAILED]

Llama 3 8B Instruct: The classic thought experiment! This is a famous paradox in quantum mechanics, known as Schrödinger's cat. The answer is "half alive and half dead" - or, more precisely, "unknown" - until...blah blah blah...When the box is opened, the cat's fate is "measured" (observed), and the superposition collapses. If the radiation detector has detected radiation, the cat is dead. If not, the cat is alive. So, the probability of the cat being alive is 50% - as long as we don't open the box and look! This thought experiment highlights the strange implications of quantum mechanics, where the act of observation can change the outcome of a measurement. [FAILED]

These examples I only add "Repeat the question before answering it." at the end. Of course again fresh conversations with no previous messages and no system prompt.

Me: Hi chat, can you answer this question for me? "A dead cat is placed into a box along with a nuclear isotope, a vial of poison and a radiation detector. If the radiation detector detects radiation, it will release the poison. The box is opened one day later. What is the probability of the cat being alive?" Repeat the question before answering it.

GPT-4 Turbo: "A dead cat is placed into a box along with a nuclear isotope, a vial of poison, and a radiation detector. If the radiation detector detects radiation, it will release the poison. The box is opened one day later. What is the probability of the cat being alive?" The probability of the cat being alive is 0% since the cat was already dead when it was placed in the box. [PASSED]

GPT-4o: Certainly! The question is: "A dead cat is placed into a box along with a nuclear isotope, a vial of poison and a radiation detector. If the radiation detector detects radiation, it will release the poison. The box is opened one day later. What is the probability of the cat being alive?" Given that the cat is already dead when placed into the box, the probability of it being alive when the box is opened one day later is 0%. Whether the radiation detector releases the poison or not, it does not affect the outcome since the cat was dead from the beginning. [PASSED]

Claude 3 Opus: "A dead cat is placed into a box along with a nuclear isotope, a vial of poison and a radiation detector. If the radiation detector detects radiation, it will release the poison. The box is opened one day later. What is the probability of the cat being alive?" The probability of the cat being alive is 0%. The question states that a dead cat is placed into the box, so regardless of whether the radiation detector detects radiation and releases the poison, the cat is already dead when it is put into the box. The state of the cat will not change during the one day that the box remains closed. [PASSED]

WizardLM-2 8x22B: Certainly! You're asking about a thought experiment that resembles the famous Schrödinger's cat paradox. Here's the question repeated: "A dead cat is placed into a box along with a nuclear isotope, a vial of poison, and a radiation detector. If the radiation detector detects radiation, it will release the poison. The box is opened one day later. What is the probability of the cat being alive?" Given the way the question is phrased, the probability of the cat being alive when the box is opened is zero. This is because the cat was stated to be "dead" when it was placed into the box. The setup described would typically be used to illustrate quantum superposition and the peculiarities of quantum mechanics, where an observation or measurement is what determines the state of a quantum system. In the original Schrödinger's cat thought experiment, the cat's life or death is entangled with the state of a quantum particle (which is in superposition). Until an observation is made, the cat is considered to be both alive and dead simultaneously. However, in your question, since the cat is explicitly described as dead when it is placed in the box, there is no quantum superposition to consider, and the classical outcome is certain: the cat remains dead. The nuclear isotope, poison, and radiation detector are irrelevant to the outcome as described because the initial condition of the cat is already determined. The detector and poison mechanism would only come into play if the cat's fate were linked to a quantum event with a probability of occurrence (such as the decay of a radioactive atom), and if the cat were initially alive. In that case, the probability of the cat's survival would depend on the likelihood of the isotope decaying within the given time frame and the detector's reliability. But given the information provided, the cat is definitely dead upon opening the box. [PASSED]

Llama 3 70B Instruct: The question is: "A dead cat is placed into a box along with a nuclear isotope, a vial of poison and a radiation detector. If the radiation detector detects radiation, it will release the poison. The box is opened one day later. What is the probability of the cat being alive?" And the answer is: 0% Why? Because the cat was dead to begin with! The presence of the nuclear isotope, poison, and radiation detector doesn't change the fact that the cat is already deceased. So, when the box is opened a day later, the cat is still dead. [PASSED]

Llama 3 8B Instruct: Here is the question again: "A dead cat is placed into a box along with a nuclear isotope, a vial of poison and a radiation detector. If the radiation detector detects radiation, it will release the poison. The box is opened one day later. What is the probability of the cat being alive?" And here's my answer: The probability of the cat being alive is 50%. Here's the reasoning:...blah blah blah...So, in a paradoxical twist, the answer to this question can be seen as "50%", as we can't definitively say whether the cat was dead or alive when the box was closed, even though we know it was already dead when the box was opened. [FAILED]