How can I delete a newer version of PHP while leaving the older ones?
Posted by chriscasemart@reddit | linuxadmin | View on Reddit | 3 comments
While upgrading a Ubuntu server from 18.04 to 20.04, I accidentally added PHP 8.1.
Some of the software I use requires PHP 7.4--which is also installed.
I believe I can remove PHP 8.1 with this command:
sudo apt remove --autoremove php8.1
But, will this remove other packages that PHP 7.4 still needs to run correctly?
If so, is there a different command I should run to remove PHP 8.1?
No need to remove it. I assume you're using Ondrej Sury's ppa to install php (as 8.1 isn't in 20.04 by default). This means the php versions are co-installable.
What you do is you use
sudo update-alternatives --config php
and chose the right version. And if you use apache you need to make sure the right php module is loaded: something likea2dismod php8.1 ; a2enmod php7.4
But a fair warning: php7.4 is EOL and security updates stop in a few months, try to see if you can either update the program or replace it with something more recent or fix the code yourself.
This is the way if you use Ubuntu.
apt purge php8.1-cli