Tulsi’s Awful Stance on Israel
Posted by Miserable-Bit5939@reddit | tulsi | View on Reddit | 86 comments
I’ve been a huge advocate of Tulsi and her foreign policy, but her stance on Israel aligns with most politicians.
It’s clear that she is a Zionist with her anti-BDS vote back in 2019. She has also gone on different news shows and podcasts recently advocating for the existence of Israel. Tulsi has criticized the college student protesters for being anti-semitic. There’s nothing anti-semitic about condemning a country for committing genocide. It’s not anti-semitic to say Israel is killing innocent civilians even though Hamas uses them as human shields. There are wrongs on both sides of the war. It’s not anti-semitic to say that Israel shouldn’t be blocking food and water from going to the Gaza Strip.
I will always like her stance against regime change wars in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. I love that she’s calling for a peaceful resolution to the war in Ukraine. However, she is wrong when it comes to Israel and U.S.-Israel relations.
Can you believe in the existence of Israel and not be a zionist?
Create two states. Move borders back to pre 1967 lines and end the police state occupation.
Is this zionist?
Palestine has rejected a 2 state solution for ages
Per Shlomo Ben-Ami, the foreign relations minister who was there during Camp David Summit..
"Camp David was not the missed opportunity for the Palestinians, and if I were a Palestinian I would have rejected Camp David, as well"
this false statement that the Palestinians were given everything they wanted and rejected it continues. Let's stop it.
Shlomo Ben Artzi despite his Zionist appelation, openly sides and advocates with Hamas terror apologists in the glow of a purported moral Uber righteousness over those evil Zionists. Fact: Arabs turned down a state over and over ,ses Khartoum Conference 1974. Fact: Arabs launched terror atracks before your Stern Group was on the scene, mutilating farmers up North and.placing their penis in their.mouth as a warning. Fact: 1929 refrigerator bomb in Zion Square preceeded settlements, occupation, apartheid, genocide, or any other successful Leftist talking point one wishes to espouse. Israel isn't perfect, but the lies and historical revision discussed above is revolting.
The J Street turncoat? Laughable.
He is about as reliable as Norm Finkelstein. Many Palesinain leaders have bemoaned the lost opporunitity. Mohamed Hussein El Fakur who was Arafat's attache said: "I will always hold our leader resosponsible for this missed bargain. Yasser was at fault!". And Waleed "Wally" Diqwad said: "We almost fooled the world. Peace? Hah. We want the end of all Jews and Israelis. If it means genocide, then so be it". -speaking to the Arab Press 2003.
will never work: Arabs advocated for genocide before the state came into existence. Google the Mufti: he was a close confidant of Hitler and sent Arabs to work w SS and to exterminate Jews, gays and others at the camps. Bottom line: Palestinians are genocidal and have been for over a century.
Quite true. This generation thinks it knows history from their Marxist anthropology professors, but they possess little knowledge.
Interesting - Using Marxism as a pejorative yet not knowing Israel’s founding father David Ben Gurion was a Marxist. In fact he called himself a “Zionist Lenin” and was friends with Ho Chi Minh. Maybe it would be beneficial for “other” generations to sit through the lectures of the “Marxist anthropology professors
No he was a Socialist, a Labor Unionist with a very different outlook on government control than the radical Marxist views you conflate it with.
Nazi collaboration is not a good thing but lots of groups collaborated with Nazi occupiers during that time, singling out Arabs is ignorant. Might as well call the French genocidal too. Prior to the arrival of the Zionists, the Palestinians and Jews lived in the same land in relative peace.
And wow it’s also ignorant to accuse an entire ethnic group of being genocidal. Terrorism was actually brought to the region by the Zionists. The Irgun and Stern Gang attacked and bombed not only Arab civilians but British ones as well. In fact Menachem Begin, one of Israel’s prime ministers, was a leader of the Irgun. And despite this, I still wouldn’t call all or even most Jews genocidal or terrorists
And now Jewish leaders in Israel advocate genocide, including cabinet ministers Bezalel Smotrich (calling deliberate starvation moral) Itamar Ben-Gvir (who openly advocates dispossession and murder of civilians). So should we conclude from your ad hominem argument here that Israelis are genocidal too?
They tried and tried again to create two states. Arabs said NO, look up Khartoum Conference 1974,' No peace, No negotiating, No recognition,' of Israel, they said, and that's after losing three major wars. Israel time and time again offered land as a concession, the Arabs answered with terror and rockets and suicide bombs. Israel would be crazy to continue on the same path now.
No its definitely not Zionist. However it would never be acceptable by Israel. Zionists only want to expand their borders and perpetuate police state occupation. To suggest otherwise means you're basically Hamas and anti-semitic.
Fortunately, this is not what all Israelis agtee with but it is what the Likud and right wing extremists that have taken over the country believe. They need to be removed for an retire movement towards peace and two states.
Id want to agree. The problem is that they have truly taken over the country completely. The sensible moderate population has no power, no structural organization, and the it's basically dangerous to oppose the war. In a recent pole, 98 percent completely support the genocidal war. And as much as 60% support blocking all aid, which is essentially genocidal forced starvation and famine. I think the whole thing needs to come down like Aparthied South Africa and a new republic with a new constitution for acutal democracy put in place before there can ever be peace. Because you cant simultaneously have a democracy and an ethnostate as a minority population. That is objectively contradictory and unfeasible without an Aparthied System. You cant have peace through Aparthied, ever. A vast majority of Israeli society has slid into the depraved belief that they can have peace through genocide and ethnic cleansing, whether they're willing to admit it or not. This a mass genocidal psychosis that's run rampant through all levels of Israeli society and government. This is why the world is standing up and saying, NO. But the aligned interests of Power Centers is allowing it to happen. That's why its so evil. Because its so calculated, mechanized, and carried out through civil and bureaucratic channels. Because, yes horrific and depraved mass death has happened around the world between waring tribes and struggles for power. But there's something extra wicked when its carried out with industrial precision by "civil" society.
According to our leaders, actually advocating for that (and not just saying it as cover for the ongoing ethnic cleansing) would be antisemitic because that would make a Jewish state for Jews impossible. It would mean a genocide of the settlers, because according to them it's impossible for Palestinians and Israelis to live in the same country.
Realistically, the 2 state solution is dead. The realistic and humane solution is One Democratic State for both peoples where the human rights for all are respected.
Did she say their protests were anti-Semitic simply by virtue of being pro Palestine? Or their actions.. I think you'll find that there is a not so subtle degree of anti-Semitic rhetoric that has been present at many (if not most) pro-Palestine rallies.
Inflammatory statements and signs, harassing of Jewish students verbally and physically, etc. I don't think her assessment is really that unfounded.
Miserable-Bit5939@reddit (OP)
She does think they’re anti-semitic because she believes Jewish students don’t feel safe on campus. These Jewish students who pop up on Fox News saying they’re Zionists and feel unsagw walking through campus. They need to grow a spine. She has also said the student protesters are puppets of Hamas and want October 7 to happen thousand times over again
Exactly. If being a genocide supporting ethosupremacist is your thing, own it.
No Israeli is a genocide supporting ethosupremacist. That word 'genocide' is being tossed around like a loose grenade. Amazing how those who raped, burned alive and murdered get a pass, but the Israelis go defend themselves and are labeled 'genocidal'. America would do 100x worse, trust me.
You are telling me that no one in a state on trial for genocide is pro genocide despite polls in January 2023 showing 98% approved of harsher actions prosecuted as genocide?
They still blame a resisting subgroup of the named victims of genocide for burning babies alive at a kibbutz despite two survivors of said massacre explaining that the IDF did it? Not to mention 0 babies existed and that was proven a lie by the autopsy?
Read more about that story here: https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/how-israel-massacred-israeli-children-then-blamed-it-hamas
You've got it backwards. Theyre completely nonviolent, with plenty of anti-zionists Jews present. All of the brutality, violence and harassment is coming from the Pro-Zionists mobs and the Police. Beating kids with clubs and pipes, grabbing old ladies by their hair and throwing them tocthw ground. Shooting fireworks into their tents, spraying them with skunk spray. Shouting I hope they get raped. Watch the videos of the Jews feeling "unsafe", its the most Karen nonsense ever. Watch the videos of the lone, clearly planted Zionists Provacateurs, fully masked, shouting "death to the Jews" being completely ridiculed and shunned by the crowds, yet Amplified in major media outlets as an effort to deligitimize the student protests.
^^this^^ Just take a look at the violent pro Israel protesters who attacked the camp at UCLA for 4 hours before police responded. There’s been more violence committed against the protesters than by them. It’s wild that being anti-war and wanting a ceasefire is so controversial with parts of the left today. God forgive we spend money on our own citizens before sending billions in bombs to places like Israel that brag about how wealthy and advanced they are.
You said it perfectly
Thank you!
I just want to reiterate for a third time that Palestinians are native Semites by definition.
"Source: trust me bro"
Got that source for you "bro"
Lmao, not even clicking that. Find me a real source bro.
Hahaha! Laughing your ass off in the face of documented facts. So insulated in your own confirmation bias, void of intellectual curiosity, you keep your head in the buried sand. You choose to keep your eyes closed to reality at home, just as you do in Israel. What a waste of time engaging with such a nonserious, worthless but dumbass. Is BBC ok from your precious Google, do you need to hear it from Joe Rogan? "Bro"
Typical leftist mentality. "If you don't agree with my talking points you must pray to Ben Shapiro, Donald trump, (insert other conservative talking head)."
Weirdly I'm not a conservative. But I'm glad you seem to be losing sleep over this little exchange ❤️❤️
Source my own eyeballs. Why dont you show me evidence of protesters being violent and harassing jews?
It is not my job to educate you on the matter, don't have to look far to find it. Google is a great resource, but try not looking only at left wing propaganda rags like CNN.
For the record, I think Israel has committed human rights violations for YEARS. I also think Hamas is a terrorist organization. But to pretend that the groupthink that happens on college campuses isn't spilling over into borderline Violent rhetoric and action is just being intentionally obtuse.
There is no "wrong or right" in the Israel Palestine conflict and anyone who thinks that this situation exists in a moral binary probably isn't educated enough on the matter to be speaking on it.
The fact that you think that Corporate Zionist CNN is a left wing rag is laugable and revealing how susceptible you are to partisan group think and completely unserious you are. Try the Grayzone or Mint Press News.
The group think on college campuses and around the world is directly attributed the images of the atrocities people are seeing in real time. The same thing happened in Vietnam. Thats why ever since, Press has only been allowed to be embedded within Military units. Now with Social Media, they're losing control of the narrative, hence the ban on Tictok.
Im sure by vilolent Anti-semitic you're referring to From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free. Oh my god so scary and violent for a brutally occupied oppressed people to want to have an emancipation cry for freedom.
Im very educated on the Israel Palestine conflict. Theres no justification for aparthied, ethnic cleansing, and forcing people off their land and their homes to establish an ethno-supremacists colonial state. Asymmetrical Warfare tactics aren't justified but are expected when you do that to people. Just like if theres a slave revolt and the slaves get out and murder their masters, sure they shouldn't have done that. But thats what happens when you enslave people. Our country was founded on the principle of Give me Liberty or Hive Me Death. Isreal was literally founded on terrorism by the Irgun and Stern Gangs. Menachem Begen was a self-describe terrorist, who became Prime Minister and founded the Likud Party, absorbing his terrorist gangs that carried out the Nahkba into the IDF and Mossad Israels biggest propoganda accomplishment is convincing the world what they're doing is complicated.
Are there inflammatory statements/signs/actions?
I am out of the loop.
No. Except maybe a handful of obvious agent provacateurs amplified to deligitimize the masses.
Literally everything they claim is antisemitism… is not. It’s not antisemitism just because it rubs Israelis the wrong way.
Not true. But when you accuse people of gencoide when they are the victim of Aran genocide, well sir that is antisemitism
I see. So If, say, Armenians or Tutsis or Bosniaks embarked on a campaign of genocide of another people, that would not be genocide either. Right? Past victimhood absolves all wrong???
Palestinians are Semites and the named victims of genocide...
Palestinians are almost all Semites.
Zionists are almost always not Semites.
Not really. The Palestinians acted like beasts on Oct. 7th. There never was and never is a chance for two state living w them because they have always sought genocide against Israelis and other minorities.
Mossad made it happen, as with their help during 911, in this country
From the river to the sea, Palestine will never be.
From the Euphrates to the Nile, The land of Israel is every mile.
Ist it interesting how the pro Hamas idiots that decry genocide committed by Israel say nothing about the Israelis and Palestinians killed by Hamas, and the Palestinians expelled and murdered in Lebanon Syria Jordan and Kuwait, and say nothing about the Palestinian alliance with Hitler, and say nothing about the Uyghurs in China, and say nothing about the 28 million in the last few years alone killed by Muslim governments and their proxies in the African Sahel Sierra Leone Ethiopia Congo Nigeria Sudan Burma Syria Libya Yemen Iran Iraq Afghanistan Uzbekistan Turkey Pakistan and West Papua. That is anti semitism whether they like to admit or not, coming from racist moronic hypocritical bigoted liars
To me, its completely revealing how unserious and totally off the mark anyone still at this point, still shilling for Israel. Its revolting. Its so easy, obvious and uncomplicated, what is right and wrong.
Right and wrong? How you or others cannot see that intentionally butchering civilians to the extreme is not wrong is deeply troubling. They attacked babies in their homes, burned people alive, indeed it is 'uncomplicated to see what (and who) is right and wrong.
You talking about Israel? Still eating up that bad Hasbara huh? While atrocities did occur. Only one baby was killed in crossfire. The people burnt alive were so by Israeli Apache Helicopters as part of the Hanibal Directive. They buried all the cars to cover-up the evidence. Even Israeli media admits this. All that said. Collective punishment of civilians is a war crime. Genocide is a crime against humanity. The intent is clear. They want to ethnic cleanse occupied Palestine for Greater Israel. That has always been the case since the 1st Nahkba. You clearly have no understanding of history. You deny people freedom, they will resist.
Dudes her islamaphobia is the most outward thing ever she is a huge supporter of Israel cause she hates muslims in the middle east.
If Israel were in a war with say Italy she would question why we are wasting our resources on Israel like she is with Ukraine
The Muslims must be removed from the area. Western Sahahara is their historical homeland. Lots of sand and camels.
So let's give US back to natives then
do you mean blacks or indians?
This response is racist enough
She's not a zionist in the traditional sense. She doesn't care for a Jewish ethnic state.
All she cares about is the fact that Muslims are getting killed in Gaza and she's all for killing and torturing Muslims
sounds good to me.
Shocking that a BJP supporter would support eradication of Muslims lol
Truth always wins out over bigotry and hate: hence, the end of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.
Zionist simply means beliebing in a nation for Jews, anti-zionists dont even believe in the state of Israel. Doubt thats a holdworthy position in modern politics. Israel is a Western ally in the middle east
tulsi claims to be anti-war, but is a cheerleader for the Israeli war machine. She's a fraud.
no she stands against Palestinian Genocide. Wake up.
Like I said Israel is a Western ally. Hamas is like ISIS, terrorist groups, killing innocent civilians and using them as human shields. It's pointless not to support Israel in their fight
As someone who voted for her in 2020, I say this in the gentlest way possible, Tulsi is no different from the rest. She has no issue changing her opinion or lying for money. Her entire career has been an act. It's time to move on.
Tulsi is a patriot not a Zionist.
Definitely a patriot for the apartheid state of Israel and the war criminal netanyahu!
get a life.
I guess you think she is a Russian asset too? Hope you get the help you need mate.
She's not a Russian asset but she is a Zionist. These politicians always speak about America first so long as it doesn't involve Israel. I am so sick of it
If she was a Patriot she wouldn't be begging to be Trump's VP.
Israel 1st!
I agree 100%. Tulsi is good on regime change wars but she's wrong on israel. How can she support a genocide?
That was apparently retaliation for their ridiculous behavior towards Jewish Students. Whaaaa play the victim. That’s you game. Trump train coming for ya all. Mop up time
All supplies into Gaza go through Hamas first. You really don’t expect Israel to resupply Hamas during a war with them do you?
Miserable-Bit5939@reddit (OP)
Israel is no better than Hamas if they’re willing to withhold food and water from Gazans
Ok. But you don’t expect Israel to resupply Hamas during a war with them do you?
Miserable-Bit5939@reddit (OP)
I think the better the question to ask if both sides are willing to stop unnecessary onslaught of innocent human lives
Hamas still has multiple American hostages and dozens of Israeli hostages. Biden even said there would be a ceasefire tomorrow if they released the hostages
Being anti-war means war is wrong and that America should spend money on American problems. Tulsi doesn't agree.
And Israel has already killed multiple American aide workers and hostages by dropping more 2,000 lb bombs than the US used in over a decade of combat in Iraq.
Exactly where did the 14 million go towards?
lol at calling for a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine war. She's been pro Russia from day one.
Garbage Person Has Garbage Opinion— more at 11.