Any suggestions of a UK number to text, so I can test my US-based international messaging?
Posted by Outrageous_Fan_9126@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 5 comments
Hello! I've read a few tips online about texting internationally, so I have some info on the international codes, not using the "+" in the number, and making sure my phone plan allows.
I have an important professional contact to text, and ideally I'd love to have it work on the first try, and not to stumble over asking about Whatsapp instead, email to check or call them.
Do you have any tips of a UK (+44) number that I can text to see if my message comes through? An advertisement to sign up for texts, some other way? Weird request I know, but I'm basically asking if you know of a UK number that I could "practice" texting to ensure it goes through.
(And yes, it has to be a text for now...) Thank you!
Your post was 6 hours ago, but if you're still looking for a number to text, DM me and I'll give you my mobile number.
Outrageous_Fan_9126@reddit (OP)
Haha that would be really nice actually! You're the only response I've gotten so far 😁
I did post a link to a free online service for receiving SMSes. Are you unable to see that comment?
Outrageous_Fan_9126@reddit (OP)
Any advertisement would work too, political party etc. Like you text a number to sign up for updates - that would be amazing
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