Debt collector question disability
Posted by Plumrose15153@reddit | studentloandefaulters | View on Reddit | 1 comments
Hi so, I got off of the phone with the debt collector because I wanted to follow up with a disability claim I made & basically they told me that they received paperwork from my physician & that my loan is now on hold. That there isn’t anything they can do about wiping out the loan, that it will just be on hold & to tell them if my situation changes & I do start working & that they would follow up with me.
My original loan servicer was Sallie Mae and they wiped out my other two loans but since these other two discharged and was sent to debt collectors that they can’t waive the loans anymore.
So my question is—-should I be worried that they’ll go after me? Bc I still plan on working like 1x a week on social security just so I can maintain my nursing credentials & have some extra income (God willing my disability allows me to).
I’m just so frustrated that my loan was sold to a debt collector because now I can’t get my student loan forgiven. I’m so angry.
Any thoughts?? Is being put on hold just as good as it being waived?
Also they mentioned that southwest has my loan and Weltman & Weinberg is just servicing it—should I contact Southwest and say I’m disabled??
It sounds like you may have both federal and private loans. Federal loans can be forgiven if you complete the application and provide a doctor’s affidavit to establish disability. You don’t have that protection with private loans, but some creditor(s) won’t pursue collection or file a lawsuit if they know you are disabled.
You may want to sort out which loans are federal and which are private; a current credit report can help with that. Federal loans will usually say “DOE/Department of Education”; private loans show the creditor is a business entity.
If a creditor aggressively pursues collection of a private student loan, seek legal advice from a consumer/collection defense attorney in your state.